Can Dogs Eat Walnuts?


Question: Can Dogs Eat Walnuts?

Verdict: No

Verdict Explanation: Walnuts are a nutritious snack for humans, but for dogs the risks outweigh the rewards. Black walnuts seem to be particularly toxic and walnuts in general are susceptible to a type of mold containing tremorgenic mycotoxins, which can result in vomiting, tremors, or worse. If you want to give your pup nuts, opt for safe alternatives like peanuts or cashews.

The Dangers of Walnuts for Dogs

Walnuts contain high levels of fat that can lead to gastrointestinal issues like vomiting, diarrhea, and pancreatitis in dogs. The high fat content can also contribute to obesity and other metabolic problems if consumed in excess.

In addition, walnuts are susceptible to a type of toxic black mold that can produce compounds harmful to dogs, potentially causing tremors, seizures, and even liver damage. A specific variety called the black walnut is especially toxic to canines.

The hard shells of walnuts also pose a serious choking hazard, particularly for smaller dogs, and can potentially cause intestinal blockages if swallowed.

Preparing Walnuts for Dogs

Even if the walnuts are thoroughly cleaned, cooked, and dried to remove any potential mold, experts still advise against feeding them to dogs. The risks generally outweigh any potential benefits.

Other Nut Considerations

While walnuts are particularly problematic, many other tree nuts like almonds, macadamia nuts, and pecans can also be unsafe for dogs due to high fat content, toxins, or choking hazards. Peanuts, which are legumes, may be a safer occasional treat in moderation.

Lesser-Known Walnut Facts

Interestingly, dogs seem to be more susceptible to walnut toxicity than other animals like cats or horses. And while walnut allergies are rare in dogs, they can occur, leading to anaphylactic reactions in some cases.